Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Breathe in and breathe out

The boyfriend is officially deployed in Afghanistan now.  I never understood how easy it has been up to this point.  It goes to show you that when you complain about something, someone somewhere always will have it worse.  When he was doing his training at Fort Bliss, we got to talk everyday.  I believe there was maybe only two days that we went without actually speaking, but a text was always in sight.  Yesterday was the first day in our relationship that I did not hear anything.  It was like my world was at a stand still until I heard from him.  Thank goodness my phone rang this morning from a text and I got my usual morning wake up.  Seeing that, made my whole entire world come alive again.  I encourage you to love your loved one a little more, hug them a little tighter, and cherish them like you've never cherished them before.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Suddenly, everything changed....

For awhile, I knew that July 10, 2012 would be a day that would change my world forever.  I just did not know how exactly.  On that day, I had to say bye to my best friend and love of my life.  My dear boyfriend got deployed.  Having to say bye to him and go through the motions was by far the worst thing that I have ever had to do! Since then, it has been a work in progress getting up and continuing on with life so that I do not become the ultimate hermit.  At first, I felt as though someone had punched me in the stomach and left me with no air to breath.  I felt lost and was not sure what to do with myself.  Now I have made myself a busy little bee with school, working out, and figuring out Zumba routines so that I can teach a class.  That was my goal; to be as busy as possible!  Now, I find that I do enjoy being busy (it makes the day go by faster)  however, I feel as though a nice day to myself with nothing to do would suite me fine.  No classes that I must complete, no workouts to do, no worry of getting fat because I can't workout looming over my head, and the list could go on and on.  I just need a night where I could eat a good meal.  Curl up in a blanket and read a book or even watch a good movie!  A way to distress myself of all the hussle bussle and worry that surrounds me.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Oh the saddness begins

Today I am overwhelmed with a sad feeling.  I know I will pick myself up on the happy train soon, but as of right now...still sad.  It all started yesterday when I went to an old friends baby shower.  It has been a long time since I have seen any of these girls and it felt good to be around them.  At the same time, it also made me realize how long it has been since I have seen them and how long it has been since I have spent time with them as well.  It made me sad to see how much I have missed out on.  Then, on top of that my boyfriend has started his training so our time together has been cut short.  Especially this week since he will be away.  C'mon happy train!!!! Come find me!!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sick me=no happy

Today is one of those days where I wish I didn't have to be at work.  For the past week I have had what appears to be a sinus infection.  I have avoided the doctor so far with the belief that I am wonder woman and I can cure myself.  Oh boy have I been naive!  This infection has now spread to my ear and therefore, my left ear throbs and I cannot hear out of it.  So much for being wonder woman!  I think I'll let someone else be the hero and see if they can cure me.  Fingers crossed!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Big news, big decisions!

In 2009 I graduated with a degree in Psychology.  I chose this career path because I had a huge love for people and a huge heart for helping people.  Originally I wanted to counsel adolescents, but that dream slowly faded because I felt like that was not necessarily my passion anymore.  I still had the foundation of loving people and wanting to help them, but I slowly became lost as to how I wanted to do that.  I started to feel like I would not be good at counseling people with their problems because, I would probably take their problems home with me and stress about it.  I honestly felt so lost as to where my life would go.

Within the last 2 years, I have really had a passion for eating healthy and working out. I started to really care about what I put into my body and how to keep my body in tip top shape. I remember one day I was looking up fitness stuff and then the light bulb went off! I could put my background in psychology and my new passion for health together. I did some research and boom, I found the perfect solution for me. So this July, I will be back in school and studying to get my licence to become a health coach!!! At first I was so scared, especially because I have been out of school for some time now however, I feel right about it and I am definitely excited to see where God is taking me with this!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

It's been awhile...

My boyfriend turned the ripe old age of 28 this past weekend.  His birthday wish was to have a big cookie cake so essentially, I made that my mission.  I woke up early and headed out to our local grocery store to get the job done.  I made my way to the bakery with my plan in mind!  A lovely girl greeted me and asked what exactly I was looking for.  I told her that it was my boyfriend's birthday and it was actually going to be his last one before he left to deploy over seas.  She then looked at me with the saddest face and patted me on the shoulder.  The whole conversation, she would talk and then look like she was about to cry and then would say how sorry she was and then would pat me on the back again. Throughout the conversation, she would continually do this.  Finally towards the end of my order she said how sad she was that my boyfriend had to deploy on his birthday!  Bless her, I had to tell her all over again that it was his last one before he left.  My complete order of the cookie cake was round, with NO icing covering the cake, except for a border around it.  Icing balloons on the top with the words,"Happy Birthday" written across it. The colors were suppose to be Carolina Gamecock colors. Then she suggested sprinkles so I went along with it. 
 My order was suppose to be done by noon and they were to call me when they got finished.  No phone call ever came so I headed back that way a few hours later and picked up the cake that said my name.  This is what I got....
Not what I ordered at all!  I didn't have time to change it so I just had to go with it.  Although the cookie was not what I wanted at all, it still was VERY yummy! Bless my boyfriend, he loved it anyway :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Happy 2 year anniversary

Today is my 2 year anniversary!  Go me!  I know I am biased but I have the best boyfriend in the world.  These 2 years together with him, he has shown me what unconditional love really is and I love him so much for that.  He loves me for me and that is the most special gift that someone can give you in life.  Most people say that God has special designed your mate for you, and that they are out there just waiting to meet you.  I remember praying for someone like David. However, I thought that I would never find somebody that met those expectations.  God has His own timing for everything and it took 21 years, but He definitely delivered more than I could ever ask for!  Here's to 2 years and a lifetime to go!